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Cormorants can dive as deep as 90 feet in search of fish to eat since they have dense bones that allow them to withstand the pressure at depth. Their dense bones make them heavy and they need to work hard to fly.
Video title: Brandt's cormorant on surface
Video ID: BOTVCormorant07
Category: Kelp Forest, California, Birds
Location: California Channel Islands
Scientific name: Phalacrocorax penicillatus
Keywords: Brandt's cormorant, bird, California Channel Islands, Santa Cruz Island, Santa Barbara Island, Anacapa Island, Pacific ocean
Source Info: HDV 1080p30
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Cormorants can dive as deep as 90 feet in search of fish to eat since they have dense bones that allow them to withstand the pressure at depth. Their dense bones make them heavy and they need to work hard to fly.