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Giant sea bass congregate at the California Channel Islands to mate during the summer and early fall. These massive fish were endangered due to over-fishing until they received protection in California waters. Now, during the summer and early fall you might find several or more of these fish resting in a kelp bed or a favorite reef. They eat smaller fish, lobster, crabs and squid.
Video title: two giant black sea bass
Video ID: BOTVgiantseabass
Category: Kelp Forest
Location: Anacapa Island, California Channel Islands
Scientific name:
Keywords: underwater stock footage video giant sea black bass California Channel Islands Blue Ocean Productions
Source Info: HDV 1080p30
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Giant sea bass congregate at the California Channel Islands to mate during the summer and early fall. These massive fish were endangered due to over-fishing until they received protection in California waters. Now, during the summer and early fall you might find several or more of these fish resting in a kelp bed or a favorite reef. They eat smaller fish, lobster, crabs and squid.