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Bullseye electric rays live on sandy bottoms and sometime rocky bottoms in the Easter Pacific Ocean from Baja to Ecuador. The bullseye marking on their back gives them their name. It can give a powerful electric shock to its prey or to divers if bothered. It can walk or hop along the sea bottom using its pectoral fins.
Video title: bullseye electric ray closeup
Video ID: BOTVbullseyeelectricray04
Category: Sharks and Rays
Location: La Paz, Baja California, Mexico
Scientific name: Diplobatis ommata
Keywords: bullseye electric ray, Baja California, Pacific Ocean, underwater video, Diplobatis ommata
Source Info: HDV 1080p30
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Bullseye electric rays live on sandy bottoms and sometime rocky bottoms in the Easter Pacific Ocean from Baja to Ecuador. The bullseye marking on their back gives them their name. It can give a powerful electric shock to its prey or to divers if bothered. It can walk or hop along the sea bottom using its pectoral fins.